How to Completely Delete/Uninstall Angular/Angular CLI Globally on a mac

In this article, we will be showing you how to completely delete/uninstall Angular and Angular CLI globally from your mac in a few short steps.

Are you having issues with your Angular set up on your Mac and thinking of uninstalling it completely?.

There are some reasons why you would opt to completely remove or uninstall Angular from your mac. One of these reasons could be so that you can start afresh installation which saves you time and effort troubleshooting compatibility and version issues.

In this article, we will be showing you how to completely delete/uninstall Angular and Angular CLI globally from your mac in a few short steps.

We have added the video tutorials if you prefer to watch videos.

Step 1: Verify the current versions installed;

We need to confirm that we have Angular installed on our mac computer and what versions we have installed for Node, Angular, NPM.
To do this open your terminal and enter the following command

Node -v (to check what version of Node you have installed on your computer)
ng --version (to check what version of Angular is on your computer)
how to check Angular version installed on a computer

If you cannot run “ng” commands for any reason or you are getting ng: command not found errors or zsh command not found error. Click on this article to fix it.

Step 2, Locate where Angular, node, npm is installed on your computer and remove it

For you to be able to completely remove Angular you need to know where it’s installed on your computer. It is usually and most likely installed in one or more of these three (3) locations

  • A. /usr/local/include
    In your terminal enter cd /usr/local/include.
    You will see node and in some cases, you will also see “npm”, “ng” and “node_modules” to delete run the following command according to what you see in this directory ;
screenshot of /usr/local/include
sudo rm -R node

sudo rm -R node_modules

sudo rm -R npm

sudo rm -R ng

PS: when you use “sudo” to execute commands in a terminal, it will request that you enter your computer user password before it executes that command

Let’s move to the next installation directory

  • B. /lib

In your terminal enter cd ../lib
In my case, I can see “node_modules” but in your case, you might find “npm”, “ng”, “node_modules”, “node” or nothing. If you don’t see any of these no worries, we have one other location to look into.


To delete the angular, node, npm, or node_module, run the following command depending on what you find in this directory

sudo rm -R node

sudo rm -R node_modules

sudo rm -R npm

sudo rm -R ng

Let’s now check the last directory

  • C. /bin

In your terminal run cd ../bin
You will see any or all of the following, “ng”, “node”, “npm”, “node_module”. To remove, run the following commands, depending on what you see in this directory.

sudo rm -R node

Sudo rm -R node_modules

Sudo rm -R npm

Sudo rm -R ng

Congratulations, you have completely removed Angular/Angular CLI from your mac computer. To confirm that everything has been removed, run the following command in your terminal

ng --version
node -v

You should see something like
“env: node: No such file or directory” and zsh: command not found: node


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2 years ago

[…] How to completely Delete/Uninstall Angular/Angular CLI Globally from your mac […]

2 years ago

[…] not found” issues I have written a detailed step to fix it here.  Also if you want to completely uninstall angular globally from your mac computer, I have written a step-by-step guide to uninstall mac completely from your mac and also made a […]

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